
Aviones Y Material Para El Ejercito Del Aire 1942-1944 2a Parte El Programa “Bar”

AUTHOR – Lucas Molina Franco
PUBLISHER – Galland Editorial Books
FORMAT -Softback
PAGES – 48
ISBN – 978 84 178164 5 2



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The economic negotiations carried out between the Spanish and German governments culminated in December 1942 with the signing of a Commercial Treaty between both countries. From this moment on, the diplomatic and military machinery was set in motion to limit the deficits in the balance of payments of the Reich with Franco’s Spain, and set them along the path of acquiring war material.  Regardless of the agreements concluded between the Spanish State and the German aeronautical industry –with the approval of the authorities of the Third Reich–, between 1942 and 1944 an extensive Armaments Program took place, whose code name was “Bär” –oso–, which Air Force personnel increased, both in flight material, flight protection and transmissions, which is analysed in depth in this volume.  Spanish text and captions.

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