
Aircraft Of Red Flag – The Ultimate Air-To-Air Combat Exercise

AUTHOR – Scott Cuong Tran & Nick Tran
PUBLISHER – Key Publishing
FORMAT -Softback
PAGES – 128
ISBN – 978 1 913870 11 9

1 in stock

Category: Product ID: 14450


Red Flag is the world s premier air-to-air combat exercise. Run by the US Air Force from Nellis Air Force Base, its aim is to provide aircrew with a safe environment in which to take part in intensive air combat sorties. Illustrated with over 140 full-colour photographs, this stunning collection looks at the aircraft involved in Red Flag, including fighters such as the Eagle and Super Hornet, support aircraft such as the Stratotanker and Sentry, and many other aircraft from both sides of the Atlantic. Also included are Red Force fighters, which aim to replicate the look and tactics of potential adversaries.

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